HRI's emergency feeding program serves communities where there is increased food insecurity for vulnerable families. In Haiti and Guatemala, these are some of the most severely impacted by hunger. Many rely on meager earnings from the informal economy and have no support system. Without work or income, they are facing dire circumstances.
When schools closed due to Covid, HRI quickly transitioned our school feeding program to an emergency feeding program focused on the most vulnerable families in the communities we serve in rural Guatemala and urban Haiti.
In addition, HRI has been distributing food baskets to 100 vulnerable adults including elderly, chronically ill and people with disabilities who are in extreme need of assistance in urban communities.
We also provided 86 farming families with the seeds, fertilizer and pesticide needed to ensure they were able to plant their corn that later provided the majority of their food from late 2020 through most of 2021.
HRI ensures that no child in our programs goes hungry because of extreme poverty, Covid, or other natural or manmade disaster!