From I-40 to I-40: Relief Kits for Students in North Carolina from Oklahoma

HRI is located along I-40 in Oklahoma City. We are linking arms with schools located along I-40 in Haywood County, North Carolina following the devastating hurricane and flooding that ravished the schools, homes and entire community.
In partnership with Redstone Intermediate School PTA and other drop off sites at businesses around Oklahoma, we are hosting a collection of specific items to provide a backpack of personal hygiene items, cleaning supplies, and school supplies to students who have lost everything. We are also collecting items to restock entire classrooms that were flooded and filled with mud, causing teacher to lose everything they have collected over their entire careers.
Please help us by dropping off or shipping items from the list to: HRI, 9401 Russell Drive, Yukon, OK 73099
Or make a tax-deductible donation so we can purchase more items to ensure every backpack is the same, to help teachers restock their classrooms, and to help with other projects such as soon approaching Christmas sponsorships for students.
HRI is partnering with Haywood County Schools Foundation for the distribution of the supplies. Once delivered, all gift-in-kind donations will be managed by social workers at the schools so the children who need them the most will receive the backpacks.


“When kids come to school, everything becomes normal, no matter what is going on at home (or what once was their home). So that’s what we are doing in Haywood County. We are trying to get the kids back to school to be the steadfast support the children need in our community. And what you are doing is going to mean so much!

HRI is the only one donating school supplies and that you thought of it is amazing! Kids will show back up to school hopefully next week with nothing, but because of you, we will quickly come along the week after to provide brand new school supplies to those who have lost everything!"

-Jenny Wood, Executive Director of Haywood County Schools Foundation

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